Products & Services
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Journey Curriculum

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion​
Diversity and Inclusion Model ​
3 C's of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Leading and Managing Diversity & Inclusion
5 part curriculum series
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coaching
Practical application through discussion and exercises about the personal and interpersonal aspects of equity, diversity & inclusion and cultural competency.
Assist leaders and organizations in developing the organizational capacity to effectively engage equity, diversity and inclusion as a part of overall organizational plan through practical application and guided facilitated learning.
Systems approach to equity, diversity and inclusion
Organizational Diversity & Inclusion Assessment (ODIA)
Organizational Leadership and Team Development

Leadership Curriculum: Leading With and Through: Leaders Leading Managers
9-part series (90 minutes each) for a leadership leadership development facilitated learning journey.
Series provide a practical frame of reference for leaders to enhance their leadership skills.
The key elements of this series include communication, accountability, feedback, conflict resolution, and leading others.
Series promotes a 'with and through' approach to leadership
Management/Supervisor Curriculum: Maximizing Your Potential: Leading From the Middle Zone
9-part series (90 minutes each) for a management development facilitated learning journey.
Strengthening the relationship between managers at all levels as they lead from the middle zone
Help managers transform from just managing to leading.
Community Engagement
Guiding organizations/communities' leaders through the process of engagement to manage sustainable change in communities.
Leading community leader/partners through community transitions.
Development of spiritual capital and the relationship to community engagement.
Framework for community engagement.
Multifaceted Model of Engagement.